At Prairie Naturopathic, we offer a wide variety of treatment options to serve you best.

Ways To Work With Us

One-on-One Visit

During a visit, Dr. Brittany ND and/or Crystal will guide you along your health journey by listening to your health concerns and creating a specific treatment plan to your individual needs. CLICK HERE for more information on what services we provide.

The Wild Collective - Group Program

The Wild Collective is a 20 session program designed to connect like-minded women to each other while they reclaim their true selves. Our collective educates, empowers and helps connect you to your extraordinary life. This is sisterhood + self-care.

Metabolic Mastery Program

Experience the support and accountability that comes with learning more about our bodies with each other! For those of you who are struggling with your weight and are looking for a lasting result, this program is for you.


At Prairie Naturopathic, we are focused at providing the highest quality of care at an affordable price. Our rates are as follows

Note: Most insurance plans have Naturopathic Services as part of their coverage. Please consult your health insurance policy to know if your visit is covered

Live Blood Cell Analysis

Live Blood Cell Analysis is a tool that is used to take a live look at your blood. From this we can identify potential contributing factors to your health. Live Blood Cell Analysis is never used to diagnose, but is used to guide further investigations. Using information from Live Blood Cell Analysis in combination with additional questions and lab testing, we can devise a Naturopathic Treatment plan specific to you.

Naturopathic Services

IV Therapy

The main benefit of IV Therapy is 100% of the nutrients and minerals given through the IV is absorbed in the body. This allows a much higher concentration of certain substances compared to taking a pill form. Prior to receiving IV treatment, your Naturopathic Doctor will do a complete assessment and lab testing to ensure that this therapy is the best course of action. IV Therapy is a higher order treatment, for more information feel free to reach out or book an appointment.


Intramuscular (IM) Injections are a way to distribute substances directly to the body. The most common injectable is a Vitamin B12 shot, but we do offer a variety of injections.

At Prairie Naturopathic, we only offer the highest quality of injectables. If you are currently receiving injections it is important to be knowledgeable about which type of injectable you are receiving, particularly for B12 Injections. If you would like to know more information please contact us or book an appointment.

Physical Medicine

Physical Medicine is used to treat injuries, aid in pain management and maximize athletic performance. These treatments include Cupping, Massage, Naturopathic Adjustments among others. We will also come up with a unique exercise plan for you.

We at Prairie Naturopathic believe that exercise is medicine. Dr. Brittany ND was selected for a Sports Medicine Rotation during her clinical training and we want to find the best exercise program that is best suited for you whether you’re new to exercise, a high performance athlete or anywhere in between.

Nutritional Counselling

Nutrition and the foods we eat are the foundation of health. You can’t out-supplement a bad diet no matter how hard you try. At Prairie Naturopathic you will never be asked to do any extreme fads or diets, and any nutritional plan will be specific to your health concerns and based on the most up to date research available today. Implementing new nutritional habits is not easy, but we will support you through the entire process and focus on adding to your nutrition rather than eliminating foods unnecessarily.

Lab Testing

Why guess when we can test. At Prairie Naturopathic, we provide traditional lab testing and specific testing such as food sensitivity and hormone tests. Testing is only done when necessary, and is often used for guiding and monitoring treatments.


Traditional Chinese Medicine is an ancient practice that involves the insertion of needles at specific points on your body that correspond to traditional Chinese organs. Through this theory each point has certain functions and stimulates your body’s natural energy, known as Qi.

Acupuncture may be recommended as part of your treatment plan. Techniques performed by Dr. Brittany ND include traditional acupuncture, dry needling and Electrostimulation, all having unique benefits to your health. Acupuncture is beneficial in stress management, cycle regulation, migraines and pain management.

Naturopathic Counselling

Naturopathic Medicine not only focuses on your physical well-being but also your emotional and mental health. We often don’t realize the impact that mental health can have on our physical body. Everyone deserves a safe space to discuss all aspects of their health, and at Prairie Naturopathic we will provide you that healing space.

Botanical Medicine

Botanical Medicine is the use of plants for healing purposes. There are many plants that have been shown to have a variety of benefits and many of today’s pharmaceuticals were discovered from studying a specific bio-molecule in plants. Botanicals come in various forms including capsules, powders, teas and tinctures.

At Prairie Naturopathic we believe in using natural remedies to treat your concerns and support your body. When prescribed a botanical, only plants that have been highly researched and proven to be safe and effective will be used.